Rand Paul Calls For Investigation Into Who Doxxed Senate Judiciary Committee Republicans

Rand Paul

by Molly Prince


Sen. Rand Paul called for an investigation Friday to determine and punish who published the personal information of three Republican senators during the Senate Judiciary Committee hearing with Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh and Christine Blasey Ford, who accused him of sexual assault.

“Yesterday there was an attempt to incite people by publishing the personal information of Senators – including home addresses – endangering them & their families,” the Kentucky Republican tweeted. “This should be  investigated & the perpetrators punished. There is too much hatred and violence in politics these days.”

Three members of the Senate Judiciary Committee — Sens. Lindsey Graham of South Carolina and Mike Lee and Orrin Hatch, both of Utah — had their personal information, including their phone numbers and home addresses, posted on their respective Wikipedia pages shortly after each questioned Kavanaugh at Thursday’s hearing.

The unknown person who published the information was located in the House of Representatives, according to the IP address associated with the user who edited the Wikipedia pages.

Graham promptly changed his phone number, but confirmed he received “a bunch of people beating on my door” following the incident.

Paul was attacked in 2017 by his neighbor, leaving him with six broken ribs, pleural effusion and ultimately pneumonia. In an unrelated incident, a second man was arrested in July after threatening to “chop up [Paul’s] family with an axe.”

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Molly Prince is a reporter at Daily Caller News Foundation. Follow Molly @mollyfprince.












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